
SingularAds Audio Solution

In-Game Audio Monetisation

We enable mobile game developers to generate incremental ad revenue while maintaining a non-disruptive gamer experience through the placement of native in-game audio adverts.

Why do we do it?

Relentlessly player-first philosophies

Game studios must see disruptive ad-experiences as non-starters, as having a healthy player base is paramount.

Being player first has a natural outcome of in-game ads continuing to wax more naturalistically integrated into the game experience

We are now looking towards a future of ultra-targeted messaging and dynamic creative optimisation. This is where in-game advertising is king.

A shift from in-app purchases towards ad monetisation will also naturally lead to a lower LTV for most games. In order to reduce the decline in LTV, publishers will need to increase session duration, as well as retention rates. These can be achieved by improving game quality and ad strategy.

How do we do it?

The continued evolution of player-friendly ad formats like rewarded video and playables

With equal efficiency, an audio ad can appear on mobile, desktop or in-app. In-app ecosystem is favorable for the greatest variety of ad formats. For instance, rewarded audio is designed for mobile game monetization whereas simple audio or audio & banner will suit any other app type: podcast app, music streaming, news app, etc.

Rewarded audio is very similar in action to rewarded video. When a mobile game is running, instead of video the customer will hear an audio ad announcement. After the audio ad is completed, the user will receive promised in-game incentive. 

In many cases the interface features an option to pause the audio. Additionally, when players transition from in-game content to audio ads, their in-game experience isn’t affected, it doesn’t distract the user from a game which increases the loyalty of the audience to the format.

This ad unit replicates the function of reward advertising offering extra lives, coins, daily rewards, closed content as incentives in exchange for listening to ad content. This format is not restricted by ad blockers. It is characterized by a 100% completion rate and publisher CPM that reaches $9 on average. Since a rewarded ad doesn’t distract users from the game and doesn’t affect in-game progress, it is considered less intrusive than an average visual ad. All of these factors translate into higher user retention and satisfaction.

Mobile publishers can implement programmatic audio buying via SDK specifically adapted to render audio ad formats. Because such an SDK utilizes Application Programming Interface (API), it can be connected to all kinds of SSP.

The API will be responsible for drawing demand partners to the app who want to bid for certain audio slots in particular app categories. Then, the API will be doing the rest of the work: pairing ads from the server to mobile SDKs for further rendering.

Why join us?

SingularAds allows you to connect to the inventory of various DSPs, exchanges, agencies and buyers interested in buying audio ad placements within mobile gaming applications. This is achieved through providing technology ( VAST, MRAID, SDK) to enable the display of audio centric ad units within mobile games across iOS and Android.

For publishers, SingularAds monetises their applications by serving them with ads through selling on the open exchange / via direct deals.

The application also provides Publishers the possibility to:

  • mediate and use any other ad networks (third party advertisers) through SingularAds SDK to monetise their applications

  • Cross Promote and advertise their apps in their own apps.

By using SingularAds Ad Network Cross Promotional Tool, you agree to bear the opportunity cost of reserving your ad inventory for your own app’s advertisement, for the next best forgone revenue in monetary terms, that you might have earned otherwise.